
This module exposes a completely custom schema that translates the Search API into a dynamic, self documented GraphQL API. This page focuses on explaining that schema.


Search API Document

The Search API Document interface provides a generic interface to represent a document stored in a Search API index. In the GraphQL Search API module we consider documents (set of fields for a given index) for different indexes to be different document types all of which extend this interface.


Search API Document Type

The Search API Document Type type represents a Search API document and extends the Search API Document interface. Because we have an unlimited amount of document types (one for each index) this Type uses a Search API Document Type deriver to generate the various document types dynamically. A Document can have multiple fields, as many as the specified index has configured in Search API.

Search API Facet

The Search API Facet type represents a Search API facet as a GraphQL object type. The structure of a facet is:

  • name - The name of the facet field to be returned (e.g Location).
  • values - The values of the facet field to be returned.

Search API Facet value

The Search API facet value represents the value returned by a given facet. Each value has:

  • filter - The facet filter returned (e.g 'Australia' or 'Austria').
  • count - The facet count for the filter (e.g 10 for 'Australia' or 5 for 'Austria').

Search API Result

The Search API Result type represents the response object returned by Search API.



The Condition input provides an object to encapsulate a condition that can be passed to the search query as an argument.

The structure of a condition can be broken down in:

  • operator - The operator to be used in the this condition (e.g '='').
  • name - The name of the condition (e.g 'location').
  • value - The value of to be evaluated in this condition (e.g 'Australia').

For more details about the options that can be used see the Search parameters page.

Condition Group

The Condition Group input provides an object to encapsulate groups of conditions using a logical conjunction argument (e.g AND/OR).

The structure of a condition group can be broken down in:

  • conditions - Conditions to be grouped (see Condition above).
  • groups - A group containing other condition groups.
  • conjunction - A logical operator for the group of conditions.

For more details about the options that can be used see the Search parameters page.


The Facet input allows us to specify as arguments which facets we want returned in our query. The structure of the facet input is:

  • operator - The operator for the facet query (e.g '=').
  • field - The field facet to be specified (e.g 'location').
  • missing - If true a count of all results that match the query but have no value for the field should be returned.
  • min_count - A minimum count for the facet in order for it to be returned.
  • limit - A limit on the number of values to be returned.

For more details about the options that can be used see the Search parameters page.


The Fulltext input allows us to specify fulltext arguments in our search query.

The structure of a Fulltext input is:

  • keys - The keywords to be used in the fulltext search.
  • fields - An optional argument that allows you to limit the fulltext search to a set of fields.

For more details about the options that can be used see the Search parameters page.


The Range input allows us to specify a range in our query, which is useful for pagination purposes. The structure of the range input:

  • start - The start of the range we want returned from the result set.
  • end - The end of the range we want returned from the result set.

For more details about the options that can be used see the Search parameters page.

Solr Parameter

The Solr Parameter input allows us to specify any raw Solr parameters directly in Solr Query language instead of using Search API.

Please note that since this syntax is direct to Apache Solr you need to specify the name of the field as appears in Solr (with the prefix).

For more details about the options that can be used see the Search parameters page.


The Sort input allows us to pass sorting options to our query. The structure of this input is:

  • field - The field we want to sort by.
  • value - How we want to sort (ascending or descending).

For more details about the options that can be used see the Search parameters page.


SearchAPI Result Count

A field to return the result count on the search query.

The Search query is where everything happens. This is the query field that takes all the arguments and passes it to a Search API query.

SearchAPI Documents

A list of Search API documents to be returned.

Search API Field

These are the various fields of the type Search API Document. We use a Search API Field deriver to have all the fields in a given index generated dynamically.

Search API Facet

This field returns a facet as specified in the type Search API Facet.

Facet Name

This field returns the name for a facet in the response.

Facet Value

This field returns the value for a given facet in the response.

Facet Filter

This field returns the filter for a given facet in the response.

Facet Count

This field returns the count for a given facet in the response.


Document Type Deriver

The Document Type deriver generates document types dynamically based on the existing Search API indexes. For example, if we have two indexes called index_one and index_two, then you will have the following available document types IndexOneDoc and IndexTwoDoc.

Search API Field Deriver

The Search API Field Deriver generates document fields dynamically based on the existing Search API indexes. It goes through the available indexes and assigns the fields to the corresponding document types.